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Tuesday 31 July 2018

6 must-dos to include in your retirement plan in your 20s [Infographic]

Since we can’t predict what the future will bring, it helps to start preparing for retirement early. When you’re in your 20s, it’s easy to think you have all the time in the world to figure things out and pave the way for financial security. That would be a mistake. It’s scary how quickly life passes you by when you take it for granted.

Make the most of your youth by living mindfully, but plan ahead so you can retire in comfort when the time comes. It doesn’t mean putting your life on hold though. On the contrary. It’s important to live in the present and make the most of each day, but it’s equally important to look at the big picture and take small steps towards your retirement goals.

The trick is to start early and to have a clear idea of what those retirement goals look like so you can take small, incremental steps towards achieving them. Your goals might change over time, of course. If that’s the case you just need to adjust your plan accordingly, rather than go back to square one.

Whatever your goals are, here are 6 must-dos for all young adults to include in their retirement plan to help navigate them through the process:

6 must-dos to include in your retirement plan while in your 20s:

1. Set milestones every 5 years

Milestones keep you focused and motivated. Rather than working towards a huge goal which could take 30 years to achieve (what an overwhelming thought!), break it up into achievable goals so you can check them off your list as you go. To do this, start by setting a ballpark figure for how much savings you’ll need to retire comfortably.

Remember to factor in inflation. If you’re only in your 20s now, things will probably cost quite a bit more 40 years down the line. That said, keep it fairly realistic and achievable.
Tip: Work towards achievable goals

2. Allocate forced retirement savings

If you don’t already, it’s imperative that you set a monthly budget to keep track of your income, expenses and savings. If you’re not good with discipline, make it a point to allocate x amount for your retirement savings automatically every month. As soon as your pay comes in, transfer your retirement savings into a separate account. You’ll be glad you’re doing this once your nest egg starts growing.
Tip: If you don’t make it a priority, it won’t be

3. Have an emergency fund

Life happens, and when it does, you’ll be glad to have a separate emergency fund set aside. This prevents you from having to dip into your retirement fund in the event of unexpected setbacks. It might take a bit more effort on your part, having to allocate savings for multiple accounts, but you can start with small amounts. Something is better than nothing.
Tip: Always be prepared for contingencies

4. Get a job with retirement benefits

One of the advantages of early planning is the awareness you’ll have of the issue, so keep your eyes peeled for job opportunities that come with retirement benefits. Even if the hirer doesn’t mention it, it doesn’t hurt for you to enquire about the possibility of having it included in your contract. Don’t just assume they’ll say no.
Tip: Look at the big picture

5. Practice good financial habits

It’s much harder to fix bad habits than it is to develop good habits from the start. You don’t want to be burdened by a life of debts, so keep a close eye on your expenses, particularly your credit card spending. It’s best to pay off your bills in full every month and make sure you don’t spend above your means, which is often the root of the problem. Don’t put yourself in that vulnerable position. It’s just not worth it.
Tip: Avoid debts if possible (that includes credit card debts!)

6. Make Your Money Work for You

You probably already know this, but the smart move is to grow your money through investments. The most common ways to invest include mutual funds, stocks and bonds, though there are various forms of online investing available these days. If you’re new to investing, speak to a professional investment consultant for advice and guidance. You don’t want to place your hard-earned cash in the wrong hands.
Tip: Work smart, not hard. That includes your money too.

Don’t worry if you’re not making much at present. Start by saving small amounts and your nest egg will grow over time, slowly but surely. What matters most is to save a little each month rather than blowing all your money on things you don’t actually need. It’s all about priorities.

What do you envision retirement life to look like? Tell us in the comments section below. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Sumber: https://www.jobstreet.com.my

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Pening aarrrr... Apa tu MRTA / MRTT / MLTA / MRTT?


Rupanya ramai beli rumah dan mereka memang tak faham pun apa mereka buat, jadi ada kalanya mereka main terima je bulat bulat apa pendapat banker atau ejen mereka tanpa faham perbezaannya.


Bunyinya macam tak penting kan?
Secara umum, wajib faham insuran adalah perlindungan. Dan untuk kes ini, kita ambilnya adalah bertujuan untuk melindungi pelaburan kita.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, kita tak wajib ambil tetapi jika faham mengapa ia sangat penting, maka kita tiada pilihan dan baik ambil.

Jom baca dulu, apa jenis pilihan yang kita ada, samaada memilih MRTT atau MRTA atau MLTT atau MLTA & apa kebaikan dan keburukan.

Abam bukan pakar dalam bidang insuran ini tetapi untuk mudah dan jelaskan pemahaman sahabat abam semua, berikut adalah perbezaan antara 2 jenis pilihan biasa.

Beza A dan T yang hujungnya adalah;
"A" adalah Assurance perlindungan insuran konvensional
manakala "T" adalah Takaful bagi muslim anda digalakan mengambil insuran jenis ini, 

Bermaksud MRTA / MLTA adalah diberi jika anda membuat pinjaman bank secara konvensional. Manakala, MRTT / MLTT pula jika anda pilih pembiayaan islamik.

** Nota: jika mahu tahu lebih lanjut boleh berhubung dengan pakar pakar anda.

Secara umum memamg sangat berbeza, cara bayarannya berbeza juga cara hasilnya juga
"R" bermaksud Reducing
"L" bermaksud Level

Baiklah, jom kita mudahkan anda. Bermaksud, jika anda pilih MRTA / MRTT ia adalah dalam katergori pertama tadi dan jika memilih MLTA / MLTT ia dalam katergori kedua.

Baiklah. Nak lihat apakah perbezaan ke dua dua katergori ni tadi, jom hadam kasi faham supaya bila kita buat pilihan kita tidak silap.

- ini biasa bank offer sekali ngan pinjaman perumahan, boleh masuk dalam pinjaman kerana margin pinjaman sebenarnya adalah 90% + 5% dimana lebihan 5% itulah boleh dimanafaatkan utk kos legal, MRTA juga valuation
- bayar sekali sahaja atau boleh masuk dalam pinjaman anda,
- lebih murah dari segi nilai atau jumlah perlu bayar,
- jika kematian maka Rumah yang di pinjam tadi telah dibayarkan oleh MRTA dan ruma tadi telah terbayar dan menjadi percuma, bergantung tempoh yang di ambil, dibayar melalui insuran tersebut,
- tiada nilai "cash value" jika kematian, pelndungan tadi hanya membayar baki hutang si mati.

** Nota:
Perkara wajib tahu pastikan perlindungan MRTA tadi mengikut perancangan matlamat pembelian anda, katakan anda merancang untuk tinggal selamanya maka, ambil penuh 35 tahun atau mengikut jangka masa hutang.
*** Ini penting dikhuatiri ingat ada perlindungan tetapi rupanya tak cover, jadi semak MRTA MRTT anda.

- Ia lebih berbentuk hampir sama seperti insuran peribadi atau "Life" insuran tidak masuk dalam pinjaman, dilakukan secara berasingan,
- ia perlu bayar bulanan dan agak mahal,
- wujud risko "defaults" jika tidak menyelengara pembayaran bulanan dengan mengikut perjanjian dan berkemungkinan hilang perlindungan tadi,
- bayaran agak tinggi tetapi mempunyai kelebihan yang lain (cover hartanah + cash), ini bermaksud akan ada "cash value" dan meningkat setiap tahun,
- jika berlaku kematian, waris bakal miliki sejumlah wang dalam bentuk "Cash" bagi melangsaikan hutang rumah tersebut.

** Cuma sedikit kelemahan MLTT/MLTA ini adalah, ia bergantunglah pada waris nak bayar atau tidak untuk langsaikan hutang tersebut. Anda faham kan maksud abam?
- boleh dipindah kepada hartanah lain, bermaksud jika hartanah A yang awalnya dilindungi tadi sudah dijual. Dia boleh dipindah kepada hartanah B atau ke C. Ini adalah kerana ia tiada kena mengena dengan hartanah tersebut ia hanya insuran melindungi pemilik yang berhutang.

Kedua dua diatas, ada kebaikan dan kelemahan masing masing anda boleh pilih mengikut kemampuan anda untuk memilih mana terbaik untuk anda.

Jika tanya abam, abam saran pilih mana yang anda mampu, jangan tengok poket orang lain tengok poket sendiri. Jangan sibuk sangat konon nak dapat "high return" tapi akhirnya "defaults" tak bayar dan hilang perlindungan.

Akhir kata, mana mana pilihan tak salah, abam hanya pesan sahaja ye. Jika anda rasakan ilmu diatas penting, kongsikanlah ia juga jariah bagi anda yang berkongsi ilmu. Mungkin ramai yang tak tahu.
FB PAGE : Tips Mudah Beli Rumah
Rumah pertama saya di Telok Mas, Melaka.


Perunding Kewangan
Hj Mohd Ezani